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Innrwrks transforms business to create the world we want our kids to live in

With an experienced team and a global network of professional partners, we create business infrastructure and companies for a regenerative future.


What if business can create a world we want for our kids?

Imagine what that world would be like.

We’re curious to explore what happens as business learns how to embrace healthy transformation in its structures, tools and practices.

We do this work because we care for the coming generations.

Simple as that.


How do we get to a thriving future?

We believe business needs to be transformed to support a living planet.

Our approach is to apply the scientific method to the realm of regenerative business. We do this by forming hypotheses, running experiments and collaborating with others in many different ways.

We do our work so that you can shift the world through yours.

Simple as that.


We’re a transformation lab and studio.

We seek to transform business by creating infrastructure, tools, methods and companies to navigate the complexity of our world and move us all towards a regenerative future. We do research, experiments and work for hire – and we launch startups.

In our lab we explore ideas for transforming business.

In our studio we turn them into reality.

Simple as that.


We’re a community of people who care deeply about the future of life on our planet.

Together, our community has hundreds of years of experience working as leaders, coaches, facilitators, entrepreneurs and change agents across the globe. Innrwrks was founded by Nils von Heijne and Amit Paul and has grown into a global network. We explore, create and work as a community for community.

Innrwrks is an RCO. That means we are incorporated to honor purpose, community and regeneration.

Simple as that.

Connect with us and begin exploring